Hey, I'm Kasey.

I'm glad you're here!

A little about me.

I’m Kasey Streets, and I’m a little different. Not just in a “everybody’s different” way, either. I’m forward-thinking and creative, yet strategic and goal-driven. I enjoy my work, and I thrive in a fast-paced environment. I need to be moving, bouncing between tasks.
Whether I’m listening to the latest podcast, viewing the world through my camera lens, or volunteering, I’m always looking to grow, both as a professional and as an individual. I’m grateful to have found something I love, and I’m eager to help others.
Throughout my career, I’ve learned so much about the world of public relations and marketing. I value communication and connection, and I look forward to learning more as the digital space evolves.


I am an innovative team player. You will see me take initiative on responsibilities outside of my standard day-to-day and often think big-picture. I am driven to succeed and enjoy helping organizations grow.


Digital marketing is a fast-paced field, and situations often change without warning. I’m steady under pressure, and I don’t get heated. Instead, I’m flexible, working to right the situation without losing control.


I work hard to succeed, and I enjoy developing public relations and marketing strategies. I love being part of a team, treasuring the opportunity to take ownership of a project.

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    I’m a storyteller. I enjoy communicating through all digital outlets, letting my personality shine through. I’ve also written press releases, social media copy, website copy, and more. 


    Whether I’m outlining marketing plans or analyzing ways to communicate an organization’s message, I love using social media to connect with an organization’s audience. It’s faster, cheaper, and more effective than traditional advertising. And unlike press releases, you control the story.


    Who is your company? Who do your business partners, customers, and fans think you are? What sets you apart? Brand management is the art of communicating that to the people who truly matter: your stakeholders.
    Whether you have a well-defined, established brand or your company is dealing with an identity crisis, let me help you continue to grow through the careful use of created content, an established voice differentiated aesthetic, and audience engagement.


    While events are not quite as vital to PR success as they used to be, they still represent an important aspect of the industry: community relations. By building relationships with the local community, we spread your message further. 


    I love creating digital content - customizing promotional material, tweaking websites, making logos. From the color schemes to the layout of images and text, I love creating digital work that is like me: just a little different.




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